
Fall finally made it, with excellent climbing conditions in tow! The rock is super tacky, slopers feel like actual holds, and sunlight is refreshing instead of humid. I’ve been climbing all over Vermont and New Hampshire the last three weeks in a row. A few recent sends of note include my first on-sight of a 5.10c (Sesame Street, Rumney) and first highball boulder problem (Standard Direct, V3 – 30 ft, Pawtuckaway).


Jeff having fun at the Riverside Walls, conveniently located 1 mile from VLS campus


Kate also at Riverside


Dan sticking the lip on E-Z Cheese, V2, Pawtuckaway


Karthik messing around on some thin, awkward traverse


Nick working on The Big Ocean, V7, Pawtuckaway


Heavenly light accompanying my flash of Standard Direct. Photo by Nick


Nick’s shaky focus made a cool effect on this one!


These dudes were all over the Streamside Boulders at Pawtuckaway


It’s been a great summer of climbing, mountain biking, hiking, and touring. Including the spring in Mississippi (it was already in the 80’s when I arrived in early March) this has been the longest summer I’ve had in several years. I’ll be sorry to say goodbye to swimming in the river soon, but am looking forward to fall colors, cool weather, and eventually snowsports!

Below are several shots from outings over the last several weeks including climbing at Rumney, biking at Kingdom Trails, and sailing on Lake Champlain.

Nature Conservancy Slideshow

I mentioned a while back, that TNC would be posting several of my favorite photos from the spring on their website. Please go check it out:

I’ll probably re-post some of them here as a few were cropped to fit their formatting. Thanks again to everyone at Mississippi TNC for helping make my Masters Project such a success!

Mt Ascutney and Rumney

We headed over to Mt Ascutney on Sunday for an awesome hike. I also went bouldering yesterday at Rumney. Here area  few of the classic problems in the Blackjack area.

Cragging at Cannon Mt

Geoff, Erik, J.P., and I went up to Cannon Mt in Franconia Notch yesterday for some trad cragging. It was a beautiful day on the cliff! This was my first time to Cannon, and my first real experience with crack climbing.


Another party climbing Reppy’s Crack, the first pitch of Moby Grape, 5.8


Erik placing gear on the first pitch of Raven Crack, 5.8


J.P. heading up the third pitch of Raven Crack, 5.8

I don’t have any photos of Geoff and I climbing, cause we were uh… climbing!


Here’s Geoff explaining while setting up our rappel from Lightning Crack, 5.7


And here he is rappelling off the same route.


Beautiful day on Franconia Ridge!


Looking south in the valley. You can make out Erik and J.P. beginning pitch 3 of Raven Crack, just in front of the Witney Gilman Ridge.


In the garden




Dragonfly. I had a lot of trouble focusing on this guy with my basic lenses!

Out and About in Mississippi

I decided it was time to learn about posting galleries. Hope this turns out right!

Spring Internship with The Mississippi Chapter of The Nature Conservancy

I’ve been interning with Mississippi TNC’s Marine Program all spring with barrier island bird populations, as well as conducting my Masters Project with oyster reef restoration. It was a great opportunity to learn from professional conservation biologists with plenty of wildlife viewing opportunities! TNC will be posting a slideshow of some of my favorite photos from the summer, but here are several I took yesterday on my last day of field work.


Great egret rookery. Cat Island, Mississippi


Osprey and nest. Cat Island, Mississippi


Osprey and nest. Cat Island, Mississippi


Taking flight. Cat Island, Mississippi


Bottlenose dolphins. Mississippi Sound

Check back soon for the link to my slideshow on TNC’s website! I’m also excited to be heading back up to New England in 2 weeks, so get ready for rock climbing photos!

Eastern newt. iPhone 3GS


Getting Started

I’ve picked out several of my favorites from getting to know my camera since last fall.



These two are from my first hike with the new camera in Norwich, Vermont.


Dan working on Smoke and Mirrors, V6. Rumney, New Hampshire


Poverty Lane Orchard, Lebanon, New Hampshire.


Foliage in Norwich, Vermont.


Nick sending Arm and Hammer, 5.11b. Rumney, New Hampshire.


Fetch with Frisco. Madison, Mississippi.


McConkey’s Bowl, Park CIty, Utah.


Alligators, Redwood, Mississippi.


Great blue herons, Redwood, Mississippi.